UBLMN7-30-3 - PV system

Intensity & Quantity of Solar Energy Open Dismiss

You can find below some useful information about PV system.

Irradiance : Intensity of Solar energy kW/m2 (Power per unit area)

Insolation : Quantity of Solar energy kWh/m2 (Energy per unit area)

The general formula to estimate the electricity energy generated in output of PV plant is :

E = A x Y x G


E = Energy [kWh/period]

A = Effective Area of PV Module [m2]

Y = Solar panel yield [%]

G = Solar insolation per square metre on tilted panels in a period [kWh/m2]

The efficiency η ( 1 – overall system loss) of a PV module is defined as the power produced by the module under specified conditions, divided by the power of radiation incident upon it. If the radiation is given as irradiance, then the efficiency is:

η = 1 – System Loss = Po /(Ip x A)


η= Efficiency of the PV module under specified conditions [%]

Po = Power output of the PV module under specified conditions [kW]

Ip = Irradiation at under specified conditions [1 kW/m2]

A = Effective Area of PV Module [m2]



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